Teacher's Pet - The Complete Series: Books 1-4 Read online

Page 6

  “Why not? You seem to be enjoying it.”

  I pulled away from him, breaking myself out of the trance he always seemed to put me in. I stepped past Simon to exit the bookstore, with him following at my heels. I closed and locked the store behind me. Then, I started walking along the sidewalk toward the dorm.

  “Because it’s wrong and confusing. You’re my professor, Simon, and you’re older than me. I could be one of many girls you’ve done this to, and the thought of that curdles my stomach.” I frowned, knowing full well what I wanted him to say. He was supposed to deny, deny, deny. Instead, he ran up to walk alongside me with a contemplative look on his face as he listened to me rant. “What is it that you want from me? And, why are you such a dick to me one moment and sweet as pie the next? Excuse my language, but I need to know your intentions.” I surprised even myself with my words. I had only planned on playing a bit coy, but instead I had turned it into a confrontation. All I could do next was let the chips fall where they may.

  He laughed. “My intentions? Seriously? That sounds like something your parents would ask.”

  “Well, they aren’t here to ask for themselves, so maybe I should ask for them. Maybe I’m asking for me.” I stood firm and crossed my arms, but it left me feeling more childish than strong.

  “Okay. Well, it would be good for them to ask those questions. I can respect that. So let me try and tackle them one by one. As far as me coming to see you tonight, I will have to say it’s obviously not a coincidence. I remembered you saying something about a night job—all it took was to ask a few students some questions, and here I am.”

  “So you are stalking me.”

  “I’m not stalking you… much.” He winked. I couldn’t suppress a small smile. Damn, he really had me under his thumb, didn’t he?

  I tried to stand my ground for a little longer and continued the accusatory track. I got the feeling it wasn’t working. “Well, you strategically sought out my whereabouts and purposely put yourself on a path to run into me. I would say that is the very definition of stalking. What would you call it?”

  “Ah, touché, Ms. Minnelli.”

  He clapped.

  I curtsied. Somehow, it had turned into a game of words instead of anything productive.

  And, that was when it happened. Before I could complete another thought or take another breath, Simon closed the space between us. He cradled the tip of my chin with his thumb and forefinger and tilted his head to kiss me. The spark between us stoked a fire. Everything around me vanished: the bright stars swimming in the night’s sky, the soft glow of the full moon and the worries I had of me falling for him. I couldn’t care less about any of it in that moment.

  Simon snaked his arm around my waist. Suddenly, there was nothing on this earth but the two of us. His muscular chest pressed tightly against my aching breasts, and my fingers gliding along the heated flesh of his arms. His muscles rippled beneath my touch like quaking granite, hard enough to crush, belying the gentleness of his embrace. I could tell he held himself in check for me because his eyes asked questions of my willingness, and mine responded back with absolute assent. I wanted…wanted everything, all of him.

  Our bodies fit perfectly together like they were made to be paired, our faces close enough to share breaths. His captivating blue eyes had me frozen in place and at his mercy. I was a prisoner of his affections once again, but I didn't feel powerless this time. I threw all caution to the wind. Tilting up my face, I presented my mouth to be kissed as I had fantasized, and I closed my eyes waiting for the lightning to strike.

  His lips caressed mine with all the spark and electricity I expected. Hungrily, I tasted him, moaning into his mouth with unbridled lust. I could feel the heat of his skin beneath my palms, while I savored the sweet, minty freshness of his tongue. I sucked on it. I had to. I was greedy for more of what he could give me.

  His tongue thrust deeper in my mouth. I didn’t fight. I accepted everything he had, and I gave back accordingly. I wanted him to know that I was willing… willing to do whatever he asked at that moment. Nothing was out of the question.

  Then, Simon suddenly pushed me away, abruptly separating the bond between us. Without thinking, I walked toward him like a lost puppy dog as he backed away slowly toward the bushes by the sidewalk. I was starving for him. I didn’t want the pleasure to end. But, my world came rushing back painfully. In a snap the spell was broken.

  I looked around to see who might’ve been watching us, feeling tense with new awareness. Simon could lose his job over such a display. It didn’t matter that I was in my twenties and an adult. A professor wrapped up in a scandal with a student was like the coffee stain I’d put on his shirt that first day. It would never go away, no matter where he went or what he did to get it clean. That stain would be there on his career forever. I didn’t want to be responsible for that.

  Simon placed his hands on both sides of my face and turned my head carefully in his direction.

  “No one is watching.” The light of the moon reflected in his eyes. They softened for me, but they still held power. Like a god among men—otherworldly. I had to keep reminding myself to breathe. “I might be a little reckless at times, and I admit danger does turn me on, but I happen to love what I do, and I wouldn’t want to compromise it for anything or anyone. I worked too hard to get here. One day, you’re going have to trust me. I only have the best intentions.” He kissed me again, light and sweet. “Please believe me.” His last words sounded like a plea, the only shred of vulnerability I had ever seen him have.

  Simon turned and walked away. As he did, I realized that I might have insulted him, insinuating that his feelings for me weren’t genuine and that he’d seduced other girls in his past. But, who was to say my concerns weren’t valid? The man hardly knew me, yet his intentions were genuine? Why should I believe him? And, why did I feel so incredibly helpless whenever he was around, like my heart was attached to him by a tether? My mind went to a million different places in just a manner of seconds, and I didn’t know which way was correct.

  He could’ve pulled me whichever way he wanted to, and I would have followed him gladly. Was that how desperation felt? Was describing it as desperation cheapening my experience? I didn’t know what this was. But, what I did know was watching him walk away made my heart drop to my stomach. I couldn’t let him go… I wouldn’t.

  Lesson # 7

  It’s more fun to give than receive… sometimes

  “I was going to get what I wanted. Exactly how I wanted it.” -Lynora Minnelli

  Simon stopped after I called his name. To him, it probably sounded like a mix between a scream and a plea. He didn’t turn around completely, but he held his hand out behind him and let it linger there for me to grasp. I grabbed it, tugged at his arm and stopped him in his tracks.

  “Come with me,” I demanded. “Now!”

  Simon didn’t ask me where we were going. He didn’t seem worried about his bike. He didn’t question my intentions or stop me from leading him forward. He just followed. For once, I was in charge of the situation, and I was going to make completely sure it paid off for the both of us. I pushed open the doors to the dormitory hall, but once I did, I released his hand. (I wasn’t stupid, and neither was he.) I wasn’t comfortable with showing that amount of affection for him—not in public, not now.

  Simon nodded with understanding and continued to follow. I was happy with that. I didn’t want the moment ruined. I stayed two steps ahead of him, looking back every ten seconds or so to make sure he was still behind me. He seemed eager, reading me and my intentions like a book as that sly, mischievous smile formed slowly across his face. I smiled back. My heart was pounding rapidly, somewhat erratically, and hard against my ribs. I had never taken control of anything in my life other than my schooling, but that time, that night, I was going to get what I wanted. Exactly how I wanted it.

  I opened the door to my room. I knew Sonja wouldn’t be there because she never was. The room was dark and
empty. I stepped inside and turned to see Simon in the doorway with the light from the hallway behind him. Again, he looked otherworldly, like a gorgeous, dark angel commanding the shadows to move in ways that would only enhanced his features.

  He slipped his arms out of his jacket. It dropped to his feet in a dark leather heap, wrapped around his boots like an attention-hungry cat. I looked up from the floor, past his powerful legs, and paused when I saw the bulge swelling in his jeans.

  I eagerly stuck my hand in the space between his belt and his rock-hard stomach, gripped tight and led him quickly to my bed. I pulled him on top of me, wedging him between my thighs. My heart felt like it would leap out of my chest if it kept beating the way it was. It pounded against my ribs like a drum to a song of impassioned desire and sexual rapture. I was certain he’d be able to hear it. It didn’t matter, though. The way I had taken things from zero to sixty meant there was no way to hide how I felt anymore. If his intentions weren’t good, then I’d pay for it later.

  I anticipated his touch so much the tension began to hurt. His slightest movements made me squirm, as I tried to imagine what he would do to me. I knew whatever he did would result in pure pleasure. My body was electrically charged. Each and every one of my cells was sizzling, and I was sure I would spontaneously combust if the man didn’t hurry up and kiss me.

  His fingers slid across my cheek and down the space between my breasts. My nipples hardened in response, poking through the lace material of my bra. I shifted my legs to prolong my delight and felt my panties grow moist with my desire. “I’ve never wanted somebody as much as I want you right now.” I admitted breathlessly. “It scares me a little to have these feelings.” Not only was his presence loosening my inhibitions, he was also pulling confessions out of me that exposed my insecurities. I had thought I was the one in control, but the reign seemed dangerously tenuous. All he had to do was call my bluff.

  Simon didn’t respond with words. Instead, he ran his nose along the length of my shoulder and kissed a sensitive spot on the curve of my neck. My nipples tightened even further until they peaked into rounded pebbles. Everything that touched them sent a jolt straight to my center.

  “Take off my shirt,” Simon commanded of me. I yanked his shirt from his pants while raking his back with my nails. I heard a hiss escape from his lips as my nails dug into his skin. Simon sat up and rested on the back of his heels as I pulled the shirt over his head. Within seconds of it hitting the floor, my pants followed. He brought them to my ankles and slipped them over my heels with little effort at all. Then, he kissed me from my feet up along the length of my shins.

  Simon produced a condom out of his pocket, brought it to his mouth and held it between his teeth. I unbuckled his jeans and shoved them down to his knees. I was so desperate I didn’t have the patience to think about teasing him or being graceful. I just wanted them off.

  His cock sprang free and was hardened at attention. He reached down and wrapped the condom around it. For the first time, I felt Simon’s bare skin brushing against my thighs.

  The warmth and the strength of our connection felt electric. Every nerve on my body was alert and fully charged. His swollen tip pressed against the middle of my panties. It felt like the material wasn’t even there. His shaft slid against the sopping wetness of my bud before it nestled in my eager center. My legs started shaking from the pleasure and anticipation of what was going to happen next.

  I loosened my jittering legs from around his waist and gave him more access. He took it without hesitation. I moved my hands from the small of his back and over the rounded hills of his ass. I squeezed their firmness and caressed his cheeks in slow, widening circles, raising my pelvis in a rhythm.

  My palms were tingling. Once I brought my hands up over his chest, he sat me up with my legs still wrapped around his waist. I held my arms tight around his neck. He reached around my back, his fingers unhooking the strap of my bra in one swift, masterful movement. My breasts fell away from their bindings, feeling heavy and engorged. I celebrated their freedom with a slow, satisfying exhale.

  Simon pulled my bra from underneath my shirt and replaced the soft cups with both of his hands. He slid his palms across my nipples ever so gently, sending short electric bursts to my nerve endings. I quivered under his touch. He bowed his head and kissed me on my neck, selecting small, specific spots to nibble with his teeth.

  At the same time, he encircled my areola with his tongue and pursed his lips around my nipple. He manipulated the other with his fingers. He sucked on my nipple gently, alternating to the other, with slow, steady strokes of his tongue that drove me crazy.

  Ecstasy moved through me in a current. It built in intensity almost to the point of pain. I tried to back away. I unraveled my legs around him, but he sensed my hesitation. He pulled me tighter against his body, pinning me to his chest. He cupped his hands around my ass and rose slowly off his knees. He stood on his feet near the side of my bed, cradling my body in his hands. He gripped my panties, and with one strong tug, he ripped and discarded them, throwing them clear across the room.

  Simon lowered his arms, easing me down on his hard, rounded tip. I winced as my tightness stretched to accommodate his size. I was drenched, but it felt like it hardly mattered. I bit down on my lower lip as I experienced pleasure and also some pain as his head passed through my swollen folds. He was so fucking big. I tightened my arms around his neck and tried to slow my momentum. I clenched my inner self, but he pushed past it, and I let out a cry.

  “You feel so good,” he murmured with a moan. “So tight.”

  He stuffed me to the hilt and sped up his pace, breathing heavier in my ear as I throbbed around his length. I felt him grow harder within me, rigid and unyielding, and every inch of my soaking wet womanhood felt pleased. My hips rose to accept his plunging deep strokes. His pace left me breathless, whimpering and crying out with ecstasy. “I can take it,” I gasped and clutched him tighter. “Give me all of it.” He thrust in and out of me, pounding against my flesh. His pace became vigorous as he effortlessly guided me up and down atop his stiff cock.

  I felt Simon swell within me and wondered how it was possible for him to get any harder. His face tightened with focus. He was trying to hold it back, but he seemed mere seconds from eruption. The tips of his fingers dug deeper into my flesh. He let out a deep, shuddering moan. At the same time, a powerful burst of euphoric energy rose in my body without warning.

  I was liberated. My juices released, coating Simon’s shaft and allowing more length to slide inside me. His eyes slammed closed, and they tightened. His thrusting pace quickened. Deep, satisfying strokes became intensified and swift, and I let out a scream. Simon’s body began to shake. We were powerfully overtaken by our orgasms.

  I no longer had the strength left to pull myself up, so Simon lifted me off himself with easy use of his arms. He slipped out of me, causing jolts of pleasures, aftershocks. For minutes afterwards, I felt him in me. I tried to get to my feet and stand, but my legs wobbled unsteadily, so I let myself collapse on my bed.

  Once the connection between us was broken, I wanted him back in my arms. I missed him almost immediately. It felt like my stomach was full at one moment, and the next I was starving and hungry. “I’m sorry, I need a minute,” I panted. My body was a mess of raw nerves and sexual want, coupled with that empty phantom feeling.

  “Are you okay?” Simon asked, looking tired, spent and worried. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

  “I’m okay. A little sore, but I’ll live. You didn’t do anything wrong. I’m just overwhelmed. I don’t know what to do with this… this want I have for you… this need I have for you to give me affection.”

  “Why worry?” He smiled softly, understandingly, and knelt down beside me. “I assure you, you’re in good hands.” Simon took my hand and slowly brought it to his renewed erection. I caressed it once, but I pulled my hand away like his skin was too hot for me to touch. Could I possibly do it again so soon? I was alrea
dy going to be sore the next day.

  Sweat glistened on my skin and my chest rose and fell as I struggled to steady my breathing. My muscles ached, bunching along my outer and inner thighs. My womanhood throbbed to the tempo of my racing pulse. I wanted to go again or, at least, to reach down and grab him. I wanted to lay it in my palm and squeeze his girth between my fingers, caressing his head with my thumb. I wanted to stroke his shaft from its base to the tip and repeat it until he spent himself and collapsed on the bed beside me. I wanted to be sure he got as much pleasure out of the night as I had.

  That was what I wanted to do, but I knew I couldn’t… I shouldn’t. I was spent, and I had already given up a bit too much of myself for the night.

  With the bravado of the sensual hour before seeping away as I returned from bliss to reality, I felt like my mind was playing tug-of-war with my heart and body. There was an exhausting three-way fight in my head to keep him there with words, or to fuck his brains out, or to listen to the voice of reason telling me the whole thing was wrong and needed to end. If I couldn’t get all that straight in my thoughts, my mouth was sure to twist it all up as well.

  I was falling for this man. I needed him to leave my room before I broke down in a mess of spewed words and warm tears, asking him to promise never to leave me. I wasn’t super-experienced, but I knew that was definitely not something you let fall out of your mouth the first time you had sex with a guy. I did not want to chase Simon away.

  “You have to go,” I told him, but what I wanted was exactly the opposite.

  “Why?” Simon sat down beside me on the bed. He rubbed my shoulders and looked directly in my eyes. His stare was burning a path through my resistance. “What if I don’t want to leave? I thought you were enjoying yourself.”

  “I was enjoying myself.” I felt a fissure of vulnerability opening up in my heart. I had to do what I could to try and close it. “That’s the problem.”