Teacher's Pet - The Complete Series: Books 1-4 Read online

Page 5

  I stacked some books in front of me and took a moment before picking them up to catalog them. “Why do you have to always do that?”

  “Do what?”

  “Practice your lawyer speeches and rain on my parade like that. It’s depressing. And, it’s not like I’ve never had sex before. I told you because I wanted your help. I thought you’d be thrilled.”

  “Although it is true I do plan on being a fabulous lawyer someday, in this case I’m just trying to protect you. The last thing I want to do is hurt your feelings, but better me than him, right? You’ve never been in true love with a grown man. It’s different. That high school stuff doesn’t count in real life, and you’re practically a virgin, for Christ’s sake. To a man, that’s not a perfect diamond, but it’s a diamond all the same. You still sparkle in the light when they pick you up by your ass and hold you to it.” She smiled. “So you have to ask if you want to be with a professor that has a thing for young students, or do you want to wait and be with someone who truly loves you, preferably of your own age?”

  “Now put that in your pipe and smoke it.” Jay, Bobbi’s boyfriend walked up to the counter, bent over it and kissed Bobbi on the cheek. “What’s cookin’, good lookin’?” He waved at me. “What are you two talking about?”

  Bobbi’s face lit up whenever Jay was around, and this time wasn’t any different. “Oh, nothing, babe.” She gave him a quick kiss on the lips. “I was doing Lynn a favor and educating her on the value of her lady parts.”

  “Yes, apparently my near-virginity has been appraised and valued at a very high price.”

  “Oh, boy!” Jay got ready to leave.

  “Wait, baby, hold on.” Bobbi walked around the counter and grabbed Jay by the arm. Jason (Jay) Sterling was a six-foot-three, 220-pound all-star running back with the university’s football team. He was dark, stunningly handsome and all but putty in Bobbi Garner’s hands. “I want to get a male’s point of view. Lynn’s got herself into a sticky situation.”

  “Oh, that makes me want to stay,” Jay replied. “Every guy knows when a girl says that, it’s a sure fire signal to exit.”

  “No, I just want to know if I’m giving Lynn bad advice. It’s good sometimes to bring in an unbiased party. So feel free to disagree with me if you feel that way, but just know if you do you won’t get any for a week.”

  “Aww, man! See!” Jay grumbled.

  “I’m kidding, honey. Seriously, just listen. Lynn, here, has caught the attention of a young new professor at school. I was telling her she should watch her ass, because he could be a pervert or something, preying on young, unsuspecting students and tossing them away like old cigarette butts. So, being that she’s not only my friend but like a sister to me, I figured I should forewarn her of the traps and pitfalls of older men.”

  Jay laughed. “Versus the easy road she would have with a younger, less experienced man? Are you serious?”

  “See, I told you,” I blurted.

  Bobbi looked between the both of us, her forehead creased with irritation.

  “Look, I hear you, babe,” Jay said. “But what you’re saying is a bit insulting, don’t you think?”

  “What? What is?”

  “What you said. It’s insulting to Lynn. What you’re basically saying is something has to be wrong with this guy in order for him to be interested in her. You’re also questioning her ability to make good decisions.”

  “Exactly!” I said.

  Jay continued, “If he’s an older guy, like you said, then you could look at it like he knows what he wants, so maybe he likes her straight up. Lynn’s a cute girl. I’m surprised some dude hasn’t scooped her up already. So I wouldn’t worry about it. She’s a grown woman, and if she’s careful, she should be fine.” He kissed her. “Sorry, babe. Anyway, I gotta bounce. Practice is over, and me and the boys are going out.”

  Bobbie kissed him back passionately. I felt a surprising sting of jealousy.

  “Mmmm, that was nice. Love ya,” Jay said.

  “Love you, too,” Bobbi replied “But, you’re not getting any. I’ll tell you that much”

  “Yeah, we’ll see about that when I pick you up for dinner tomorrow. Have a good night, ladies.” He smiled over his shoulder and left.

  Bobbie turned toward me. “Fine, I’ll come over tomorrow, and we’ll talk about wardrobe, but you better be careful with this guy.”

  I smiled. “When am I ever not careful? And, don't you have a date with Jay tomorrow.”

  “Ooh! That’s right. What about the day after?”

  “I’m kind of on a schedule here, Bobbi.”

  “So am I, darling, and I'm trying to fit you in.”

  I rolled my eyes at my sometimes frustrating friend. “Tell you what,” I said. “How about we made a quick run to the mall tonight and see what we can come up with. Jay is going out with his boys, so I know you're free.”

  I smiled as I realized I'd left her with no excuses.

  “Alright, I will. But, you owe me big time.”


  Bobbi and I took the bus, and she steered me away from the expensive boutiques and department stores of the mall in favor of stores that might better fit my budget. She took me to a shopping center near campus where several shops caught my eye. The first one we encountered was still out of my price range. The second didn't have clothes suitable for work.

  We walked into classy little dress shop with slender mannequins in the window showing off chic dresses. I glanced around the store, nervous about price tags as I saw the expensive looking clothes and clearly upscale decor. Though Bobbi blended in easily with the rest of the moneyed clientele, I felt out of place. It looked like the sort of shop I would ordinarily avoid, but she assured me the store had name brands at bargain prices.

  “See? This designer sweater is to die for! Look, it’s on sale!” Bobbi held up a burgundy sweater made from the softest wool, or whatever it was, that I had ever had the pleasure of touching. I ran my fingers down the sleeve, instantly in love with the piece.

  “It’s perfect! How much is it?”

  “It's forty percent off. That’s a steal. It’s only seventy-nine bucks.”

  “Seventy-nine?” I said hoarsely. I clutched my purse closer, knowing a sweater like that would break my meager bank. “Um, do they have a clearance rack?”

  Bobbi frowned and glanced at the price like she didn't see the problem. Noticing my distressed expression, my best friend sighed and shoved the sweater back on the rack. She pulled me aside and dropped her hands on my shoulders, as she looked me in the eyes. “Technically, Lynn, while I wouldn't be caught dead in half the stuff you wear, I’d never criticize your style. Is this guy worth it?”

  I looked away, uncomfortable. “It's not really about Simon. I mean, it is, but it isn't. As he pointed out, I have to dress for success. We won't be college students forever, Bobbi. You look great already, but I look the same as I did in high school. Frumpy sweaters and flats. C’mon. Help me.”

  “Alright! I'll do the best I can, but you're not giving me much to work with here.”

  I followed her to the clearance rack where she held up a little black dress that was within an affordable price range, but it looked a little too skimpy for my taste. “You can pair it with a bolero jacket,” Bobbi insisted, but I shook my head.

  She found a more concealing pantsuit that I liked but we couldn't find in my size. Then, we went through a series of other outfits that I seemed to find something wrong with, and Bobbi looked like she was ready to give up on me. I knew the final nail was in the coffin when her cell phone buzzed with Jay's singular ringtone. The jaunty little tune sounded loud in the quiet store, and I fought not to roll my eyes as she answered in a sugary voice, “Hey, baby cakes.”

  I wandered off to another sales rack to continue perusing as I tried not to eavesdrop, but I could hear Bobbi’s voice slightly rising in ire. I glanced nervously at my friend because she never really argued with Jay. They only got in little tiffs that were o
ver in minutes.

  “What do you mean you're sorry? You know that dinner date tomorrow is important to me. I don't care if your boys have tickets to a silly game. Where are you? You need to get here.”

  I ducked as she glanced my way, and a bright yellow skirt suit catching my eye. As I held it up and fished for a price tag, Bobbi continued to fuss. “How could you choose them over me? But, Jay it isn't fair! That’s right, you need to seriously reconsider it. No, I’m not being unreasonable. You've made it? Fine, I'll talk to you in the car.”

  I heard Bobbi's heels click-clack across the sales floor as she made her way to me, and I already knew what she was coming to say. “Friend, I have a relationship emergency.”

  “I heard. Is everything okay?”

  “Nothing a little tender loving care can't fix. Obviously I need to remind someone of why my company is better than any silly old game.”

  I sighed and nodded understanding. Bobbi had to do what Bobbi had to do. I waved goodbye as she strutted out of the store like a woman hellbent on having her way. I looked back at the suit I was holding. It looked professional and was cut fashionably. If I tried it on and it fit, I might have a new look as early as tomorrow morning, but the store was about to close, and I didn't exactly feel like trying on yet another outfit.

  I smiled to myself as I took the suit up to the cash register and paid for it. “Do you sell a lot of these?” I asked the saleswoman conversationally.

  She looked up at me with tired, bored eyes and shook her head. “Not really.”

  “Oh, so it's pretty original?”

  “I guess. If you want to call it that.”

  I swallowed, wishing I had more advice from someone who really knew fashion. I couldn't decide if I was making the right style choice or not, and Bobbi was off in Lovers’ Land with Jay.

  I accepted the bag and marched out the door, across the street and to the bus stop. I couldn’t wait to see Simon's reaction when I walked into class looking like a businesswoman instead of a fashion challenged college student. Maybe he would take me more seriously.


  The first problem I encountered was not having any shoes to match the loud color of the suit. It was hanging on the door of my closet like a bright yellow canary singing for attention. I was fresh out of the shower, and I stood in the middle of my empty dorm room trying to see the beauty in the suit, as I had seen it the night before.

  As I dropped my towel and donned my underwear, I realized I didn't have the proper slip for the thin fabric. Either way, I was wearing it. I set my mouth in a resolute line and pulled the two pieces down from the hanger. Thankfully, I had a blouse to wear underneath, and I rifled through my closet to drag that out. I put on the blouse, the knee length skirt, the jacket. I didn't own any hosiery. My one pair of heels were clunky black sensible shoes my mother had given me some years back. I had no choice but to wear them.

  Staring at myself in the mirror, I felt like a little kid trying on her mom’s clothes. The suit was a little loose and didn't fit my slender body as it should have. I didn't have time to lament my decision to wear it, however. I only had a short amount of time to make it across campus to class. I hoped Simon saw the potential or at least recognized I was trying to take his advice. So my first attempt was a fail? I should get bonus points for effort.

  When I walked into the class a few minutes late, he didn’t even notice. I didn't know whether I should be happy or upset about it. It wasn't until all the students had finally filed from the room and I joined him to follow him to his office that he finally took the time to look. His slender eyebrow arched up in a look of disdain. “I take it this is your interpretation of business attire?”

  I felt small and wished I was small enough to slip through the cracks in the floor and disappear. I took a deep breath and squared my shoulders. “I know it's not the best suit in the world, but it's not a shapeless cardigan.” I tried to appear self-confident, but I saw Simon try to hide a smile as he turned his head and walked from the class room.

  We sat in his office. I was humiliated. I had never been so humiliated in my life. The whole while I sat reviewing papers, he stared at me with that damnable smile like I was the funniest thing he had seen in life. I couldn't take any more of his silent harassment. “What is so funny?”

  “You,” he said, still smiling.

  I threw the papers I was looking at back onto the desk with a loud thump. “Why do you treat me this way? Why do you make me feel like you make me feel?”


  “What?” I spat the word incredulously, angrily. What could he possibly be exacting a toll from me for? I might occasionally nod off in a class or two, and I might even make an error when grading a paper, but I deserved better than to be the butt of his joke. “Why don't you like me?” I mumbled, low enough that I thought he couldn't hear.

  Simon stood up and leaned across his desk to look me directly in the eyes. “I do like you. As I said, payback. How do you think you make me feel? Hmm? I shouldn't like you. I shouldn't want you. You dress funny. You're immature. You're the worst TA I have ever had the displeasure of having foisting off on me, and yet I like you. I want you.”

  He said the last three words like it was the hardest thing to get them out. I studied his lips as he confessed, wanting to kiss him. I wanted to know how I made him feel, and he really wasn't saying much. He said he liked me, but it could be as Bobbi warned. He was an older man, and I was a college girl. He could be saying what he thought I wanted to hear.

  I glanced at my watch and realized I didn't have to stay a minute longer. At least for the day, my work for him was done.


  It was my turn to close the bookstore. I always opted to take the closing shift because I liked to sort the books for cash-out and took pleasure in having the store to myself. Bobbi always left early so she could make it home at night. She lived in an affluent neighborhood about twenty miles away, in a luxury condo complex called The Crestview. She had to take the bus because her father refused to buy her a car. Bobbi was no good with cars. She loved to speed like kids loved candy, and she was reckless to a fault. I’d seen her drive before, so I understood his point.

  Being in the store by myself forced me to be in the company of my own thoughts, something I hadn’t been allowing for good reason. The thoughts tasted sour on my tongue. I wondered, What if Bobbi is right? Regardless of what Jay said, and despite how I felt, it was possible Professor Foster was preying on my inexperience.

  What if he’d done this before—had “affection” for one of his students—and what university had he taught at before he came to ours? Did anybody know? It was Berkeley, right? Had anybody heard why he left? I thought of calling Professor Temple to find out what she knew, but I didn’t want to disturb her with my trivial issues and unfounded paranoia while she was out on maternity leave. Besides, I could just ask him myself if I wanted to know, but being next to Simon never seemed to go the way that I thought it might. I shook my head with frustration, trying to block his smarmy face as I recalled his earlier treatment of me.

  He had been the paragon of professionalism and virtue in class and during my work hours alone with him in his office over the past few days. Why had he chosen today to be the consummate douchebag?

  As if on cue, I heard a sound coming from outside and turned around. There was Simon, rapping on the glass door at the front of the store. My heart nearly leapt out of my chest once I saw him with his brown leather jacket unzipped and wide open, with a wife-beater underneath fitting like a second layer of skin. His face was pressed against the glass: flat, distorted and funny looking. Yet, I still thought he was gorgeous, despite my best efforts to convince myself that he wasn’t. I schooled my expressions as I walked over and unlocked the door. I couldn’t keep wearing my emotions on my sleeve. I had to try and play it cool.

  “Hello,” he said, sticking his head in the doorway. Through the window of the front of the book store, I could see a shiny black and c
hrome Harley-Davidson parked outside. Of course he rode a motorcycle. As if he wasn’t already way sexier than any human being should be.

  “Hello, Mr. Foster. So, are you stalking me now? I didn’t know that was part of the curriculum.”

  He smiled at that.

  Ugh, his dimples weakened my knees.

  “No, I’m not stalking you, but would you blame me if I was?”

  I shied away, as my face was turning red. I wondered if I'd ever get used to his changing moods. It was pathetic of me to be so affected. Maybe Bobbi had been right about me practically being a virgin. I was acting like a silly schoolgirl with a crush. “I don’t know what to say to that.”

  “Say you see what I see when you look in the mirror. And please, as I said before, when we’re alone, call me Simon.” I couldn't believe I'd heard him right. Just that morning he had complained about my wardrobe, now he was complimenting me?

  “Okay, Simon, tell me what is it that you see.”

  He walked toward me until we were face to face, almost nose to nose. I could smell the fresh scent of mint on his breath. He stroked my cheek with the back of his hand. “I see you got rid of that ridiculous yellow suit, although I was pleased to see you took my little motivational speech about wardrobe to heart. I see a beautiful young woman who has yet to realize her potential. I think I'd rather you in shapeless cardigans.”

  I turned in to his caress, but I felt like I should protest. At the very least, I should be offended by him slickly calling his insults of days prior a motivational speech. I sighed softly in pleasure as the pad of his thumb traced along my jaw, knowing resistance would be in vain since I would eventually give in. I wanted to give him the illusion of being strong or giving chase. He didn't know, but I had looked in the mirror, and the girl I saw needed to learn how to take control sometimes. “Please don’t… don’t touch me like that.”