Teacher's Pet - The Complete Series: Books 1-4 Read online

Page 8

  The plan seemed foolproof. I was five minutes early for the first time in a long time. I walked into a class with a handful of students already in their seats, and someone I didn’t recognize up at the front. Most of the students were talking amongst themselves, and others were trying to work. The stranger was just staring straight ahead.

  I saw Simon writing on the blackboard in preparation for his lecture. His back was turned, so he didn’t see my entrance. It didn’t matter. He would have to look at me eventually.

  I could see the rippling muscles showing through his white-collared shirt. That was all I needed to get excited, but I was not going to start fantasizing and lose focus.

  Chalk squeaked on the blackboard as he held it in his left hand. I turned to head straight toward my desk. A petite bottle blonde by the name of Meghan Carmichael was sitting in my chair, reviewing the tests I had already corrected the previous week. I gave her a once-over and could see that she was a little more mature looking than me, with rectangular glasses and an outfit that looked like it belonged to a corporate businesswoman. Her legs looked disproportionate to her tiny body, going on for days. Her presence made me feel hot in the face. What was she doing in my seat?

  I was aghast at what it might have meant. Did I lose my job again? I knew I wasn’t late. I was confused. What the hell was going on? I turned to face Simon without addressing Meghan at all. She was grinning from ear to ear, but I ignored her. If I hadn’t, I probably would’ve slapped it right off her face. She wasn’t worth my time. I didn't need that kind of aggravation. Simon saw me, put the chalk down and slowly turned around. He steeled his face and looked me in the eyes.

  “What?” he said. “Wasn’t it you who said I should treat you like any other student? This is me giving you what you want, Ms. Minnelli.” He said my last name with such disdain, I almost gasped. His words were stinging and burning all the way through me. “Now, please leave my class so I can start. You know I don’t like to be late.”

  I found myself doing exactly as he asked.

  Part II

  Lesson # 1

  Intuition is there to be listened to

  “My mother always warned me about strangers making promises.” -Lynora Minnelli

  In that moment, I wanted to slap him. I really did. I knew it wouldn’t be ladylike, or near remotely possible, but I wanted him to feel the pain that I felt. Ugh! How I seethed in that moment. I had curled my hair and put on clothes I would have never dared to wear before just to make things right with him, and his only response was to humiliate me in front of the entire class.

  How dare he? I knew I had said some pretty mean things, but I didn’t feel I deserved that sort of treatment. My face was burning hot. A fierce, nauseating emotion was building in me, and I couldn’t hold it back if I wanted to. It was the strongest emotion that I’d felt since I realized that I cared for him. Before, I would have shed a tear had he fallen off a cliff, but at that moment all I wanted to do was push him off myself.

  Simon still hadn’t moved. He stood his ground in what I perceived was an aggressively stern, stubborn manner. The furiousness of his eyes was piercing a hole through my heart. But I wouldn’t let it kill me; I couldn’t let him kill me. “Ms. Minnelli,” Simon practically barked at me, “you can either sit over there with the other students or walk out of my class immediately. It’s your choice. What's it going to be?”

  I wouldn’t give him the satisfaction. I wasn’t going to walk out of class for anything on this earth. If I had to sit there uncomfortably for an hour, so be it. Simon would have to spend the next hour avoiding the looks of accusation on my face. It would serve him right. I hoped it made him squirm.

  I looked down at my feet, feeling like they were heavy foreign objects and I hadn't figured out how to move them just yet. The seat that I spotted looked so far away, but I had to find the strength to reach it somehow.

  “You can sit here,” someone shouted. I looked up, and to my relief, I saw a welcoming smile. I didn’t know his name, nor had I seen him before, but he was a painfully good looking. He was older, sharply dressed in an expensive blue suit and had meticulously cut and styled black hair. If I was in a better mood I would’ve shot him a smile, but I couldn’t manage the strength to be that cordial. He pulled out the chair beside him and patted the seat with his hand. I felt a slight pull of trepidation, but his smile reeled me in like a fish on a lure, and my feet had suddenly remembered how to move.

  I planted my butt in the seat next to him, straightened out my skirt and crossed my legs at the knees. The scent of his cologne wafted far up my nose with a light, crisp scent, like fresh ocean air. The man's eyes had a dark and eerily mix of electric indigo blue with a hint of steely gray. It gave him a mysterious but very intelligent air. I avoided looking in them any longer. A girl could swim in those eyes for hours. In fact, any red-blooded woman would love to take a long dip after being drawn in by the thickness of his lashes. He smiled when he noticed me staring. I didn’t turn away completely. His cheeks sank in on both sides of his face, exposing dimples that were as deep as wishing wells.

  Out the corner of my eye I caught Simon glancing at us with enough vested interest to disturb the flow of his lecture. There was a definite crack in his armor, as there was no doubt in my mind that he didn’t like what he saw. He looked like he had sucked on bitter lemons, with tightly pursed lips and his eyes scrunched at the corners. Good! I thought. It thrilled me to see some unhappiness in his eyes, and even more so to know he couldn’t do much about it during class without getting himself in trouble. It was a satisfying feeling.

  “That was a shitty thing to do, if you ask me,” the stranger whispered to me as he leaned back in his seat, balancing on the rear two legs with no effort.

  “You noticed?” was all I could manage to say. Looking at this man was intimidating. It wasn’t entirely unlike the first encounter I had with Professor Foster.

  “It was hard not to notice. He basically told you where you could go in front of the whole class. It was embarrassing. Maybe you should think about reporting him.”

  My eyes swept the room. “Class isn’t completely full yet, thank goodness, but it wasn’t my proudest moment, that’s for sure. Thanks for the advice, though.”

  “He's inconsiderate. He should've known better than that. There’s a time and a place for everything, and this is neither the time nor the place. He could’ve pulled you aside or handled it after class. You have to be careful of that sort of thing. Word gets around quickly.” He scribbled something on a notepad. It made me wonder exactly who he was or what he was doing in the classroom. Was he really just a student? I wasn’t anyone special on campus, but surely I should have seen him before if he was enrolled here.

  “Is that so?”

  “I promise you.” He smiled.

  My thoughts were immediately taken elsewhere. His smile was hypnotizing. I found myself moving towards him. The more he talked, the more comfortable I got. He had a deep, soothing voice, with a calm, even tone. It was comforting. My shoulders relaxed to a less defensive posture. My serenity returned until I felt more neutral.

  “You know, my mother always warned me about strangers making promises,” I said with a smile of my own.

  “Your mother would be correct under normal circumstances, but that doesn't apply to me.”

  “Oh yeah, and why is that?”

  “Because I know what I’m talking about.”

  “I have a feeling you're the type who always thinks they know what they're talking about.”

  “That could be true, but only because I do.” He winked. “Anyway, I’m just trying to warn you. Rumor has it that something could be going on between you two. I mean, it's just a rumor I’m sure, but rumors have a way of going viral these days. It could get out of hand.”

  My eyes widened. Simon hadn’t been working here for a week. How in the world would a rumor have already gotten around that something was going on between us? Had they not been as careful about watching
their backs as they had thought? My worry started rising back up, bringing bile to my throat. “I don’t understand what you’re talking about,” I lied. “Why would anyone spread a rumor about me like that?”

  “I don’t know.” He shrugged “Shit happens, I guess. But I’d watch my ass if I were you. Around here your reputation is everything, and everything is your reputation. I’m sure I don’t have to tell you that.”

  “No, I guess you don't.” I let out a tired and weary sigh. A feeling of sadness was growing in me, but I had to fight it off and not to let it take root. I wondered again about him. Throughout our conversation this guy had been jotting things down on a notepad and hanging on every word Simon spoke in his lecture. It was odd. He mumbled under his breath from time to time when he either agreed or disagreed. It was strange, and made me think that Simon would soon have more issues on his hands than just dealing with me. I thought for a moment about warning him, but that probably wouldn’t be possible. Even if I got a moment alone with him, he would never listen to me in the mood he was in.

  “Excuse me.” I tapped the stranger on the shoulder. “I was wondering if there was a chance you could be from the review board. I noticed you were taking notes from lecture, and I’m pretty sure you’re not a student. Is Si—I mean Professor Foster in some sort of trouble?”

  The man gave me a sideways glance. “You're certainly concerned for someone Professor Foster just humiliated. Would you care to tell me why?”

  I turned to look straight ahead. He had me, and he knew it. It was confirmed by the Cheshire Cat grin on his face and the way his postured straightened when he said it. I thought it best that I stay quiet for a while. Let him do his work in peace as I stuck to mine. I wouldn’t want to give more credence to the rumors by a slip of the tongue or the way I reacted to questions about Simon. Something told me this guy knew more than he was telling.

  After a while, I looked up at the clock. There had been half an hour of complete silence between us, and the man kept steady at his work. Besides some glancing looks here and there, the conversation had deadened and so had his interest, but I didn't like the way it made me feel.

  “Hi, my name’s Lynora.” I stuck out my hand. I must’ve taken him by surprise, because he flinched.

  “Name’s Dane.” He took my hand in his and gently caressed his thumb across it. It wasn’t a traditional shake, but it gave me delightful chills.

  “Nice to meet you, Dane.”

  “You too, Lynora.”

  “You can call me Lynn if you want. All my friends do. My last name’s Minnelli. And yours is?”

  “You can just call me Dane for now, if you don’t mind. I’m not at liberty to divulge my full name just yet. I hope you understand.”

  “Oh, yeah, sure.”

  I fell into silence with Dane again, and class was taking forever. I amused myself by drawing on my notepad, playing tic-tac-toe, and spinning my pencil in circles. I was also growing irritated, because the more I kept my mouth shut, the more Dane kept sneaking glances at me and grinning like a loon. Why couldn’t the clock move faster? Every tick of the second hand seemed to take minutes, and I was tuned out to the lecture from the start.

  Dane turned to me with a snide look on his face. “He’s off his game today, isn’t he? He seems more dry than normal. I wonder what could be the problem.”

  “I have no idea, but it’s killing me.”

  I dropped my head in the palm of my hands. It wasn’t what Simon was saying that was the issue; it was more about his delivery. It was dry and stale, just like Dane had said. I wondered if his problem was me being here. I was beginning to think staying in class was a mistake, because the more I looked at Simon, the more flashbacks I got. When I tried to turn away, his voice was pleasure to my ears, with its rich, heavy tones, like gourmet blends of premium coffee. It was enticing to smell, more delicious to taste and at times left bitterness on my tongue.

  Dane had started out as a game that worked at making Simon think twice about his actions, but Dane was no longer serving as a good distraction. Sure, his good looks rivaled that of Simon Foster’s, but it was pointless trying to use that to my advantage. I only had eyes for Simon at the moment, despite my efforts to fight it.

  My mind was starting to fill with unavoidable thoughts—like the way we kissed walking through the plush garden pass, and the warmth of his mouth wrapped around my hardened nipples. The way his hands slid along the surface of my skin and the way that my body responded to him with eagerness. I shivered.

  “Are you cold?” Dane moved to remove his suit jacket.

  I held up my hand. “No, I’m okay. I just a caught a chill, that’s all.”

  I had to get out of there and move quickly. I couldn’t sit here fantasizing about a professor that was mad at me and already acting peculiar in front of someone that was obviously there to review him. I had already divulged too much with my stupid emotions on my sleeve.

  When class was finally over, I gathered my things and tried to exit as subtly as possible. I didn’t want to catch Simon’s attention. The last time I’d tried to leave class in his presence, I caught a little… um… detention.

  “I was wondering,” Dane said as he stood up and pushed in his seat, “would you like to grab a bite to eat? Maybe go out on the quad or something? If you’re free, that is.” Dane’s eyes were bearing down on me before I had a chance to stand up.

  “I’m sorry. I appreciate you asking, but I don’t think that’s a good idea.” I backed out of my chair and stood up to meet his height. “Right now, I wouldn’t make the best company.”

  “All right, I understand.” But it showed that he didn’t.

  “Lynn!” Simon shouted. “Can I speak to you? Now, please?” Simon stood expectantly behind his podium, drumming his fingers on the surface. The nerve of him. At the end of the day he was still my professor, but he had lost all ability to control my every action.

  “I’m sorry, Professor Foster, but I have plans.” I pushed my seat under the table. “And in case you forgot, I need to find another job, and who knows how long that will take? I should probably get to it, don’t you think? Being an economics professor, I’m sure you can understand my need to make ends meet.” I gave Simon a smug look and hooked my arm around Dane’s. “Looks like I’ll be taking you up on the invitation after all, handsome.”

  Dane smiled. “Sounds good to me.”

  To describe Simon’s face at that moment wouldn’t do it justice. I don’t have the words, but what I will say is I felt like I was siphoning back the power that he’d stolen as soon as I walked through the door that morning. I still hadn’t conquered my feelings of loss, but I was off to a great start.


  As soon as we walked out of class, my arm limped out from the coil it was in with Dane’s. I didn’t mean to be rude—in fact, it hadn’t really crossed my mind—but it was honest and it happened because it should’ve. I wanted to make Simon jealous. I could admit that. It wasn’t the most rational thing to do, but then again, nothing was rational when it came to him and I.

  I wasn’t interested in Dane, at least not at that moment. He seemed to be a nice guy and all, and he was beautiful to look at, but I didn’t know him well and didn’t want to. I hated it, but all my thoughts and emotions were still aimed at Simon, and I suspected they would be for a while. Just a few hours before my public humiliation, I had prepared myself not only to apologize but also to confess that I was falling in love with him. As much as I wanted to snap my fingers and be over it, real life didn’t work that way.

  “Is everything okay?” Dane was looking at me inquisitively. I didn’t notice it before he caught my attention. Suddenly, I felt bad for the guy. He was a good-looking man and charming as well, and he’d become a third party in a dramatic situation. I was using him to get back at a guy after he’d legitimately asked me out on a date. There was a good chance he’d get caught up in the crossfire between Simon and I, and I knew I was being unfair. But all’s fair in
love and war, right? I just couldn’t help myself. I was upset, and I was going to make Simon as miserable as I was.

  “Yes, I’m fine. I’m just trying to wrap my mind around the fact that I lost my job. I’ve never been fired before.”

  “Yeah, it does kind of suck. I wouldn’t take it too personal, though. It’s Professor Foster’s loss, not yours, and he knows it.”

  I gave him a curious look.

  “I know it’s none of my business, and I should probably stay out of it, but I just don’t get it.”

  I looked up. “What is there to get?” I found myself getting nervous again. I had a feeling that I knew what he meant by that. I only wanted to make Simon squirm, not put his job in jeopardy.

  Dane let out a breath. “Not to bring it up again, but whether the rumors are true or not, I can’t understand why any man would not want you near him. You’re beautiful, you’re obviously intelligent and your outfit is superb today, I must say.”

  My face flushed. “Thank you.” A shy smile emerged. “That was sweet.”

  “You’re welcome. I speak only the truth, as much as I can whenever I can. It keeps my life simple.”

  “I don’t know.” I gave him the once-over. “By the looks of you, your life is anything but simple. What is that, an Armani suit? I’m fairly certain no one who lives a simple life can afford something like that, or expensive-looking watches like the one you have on.”

  Dane held up his arm and twisted his wrist. “Oh, this old thing? It’s just a Rolex, presidential. It’s nothing.”

  “Well, your nothing looks like it would cost me ten years of pay to afford. Actually, now that I’m down to one job, make it twenty years.”

  “Ah, you exaggerate. I’m sure you’d be able to afford it in fifteen.”

  I smiled. So, he was good looking, rich, charming and funny. There had to be something off about him, but I wasn’t in the mood to find it. He was stroking my ego, and I needed it badly.