Teacher's Pet - The Complete Series: Books 1-4 Read online

Page 12

  We pulled up in front of a tall building that looked like a hotel, but not commercially so. There were no signs displaying the brand or bellboys at the door handling luggage for the guests. In fact, there wasn’t even valet parking. I was confused as to what we were doing there. It looked dead, with no lights on except for on the very top floor.

  The driver parked alongside the curb that was sectioned off by four orange cones. He walked out, opened the door for me and looked at the building in front of us. “Well, this is where we part ways it seems, young lady.”

  He bowed at the waist.

  “All you have to do is walk to the door and press the button on the intercom. The rest is simple. It was truly a pleasure meeting you, miss. You have a good night.”

  I shook the driver’s hand and walked up to the door. There were several intercom buttons on the wall, but only one button that was painted bright red. I pressed it. Nothing happened. It didn’t make a sound when I pressed the button, and no voice came from the speaker. Maybe it was broken. I thought. I pressed the button again, left my finger on it and waited. After a few seconds, the door buzzed open. I grabbed the handle, pushed and walked my way through.

  I found myself in a room that was once a large lobby, with a monstrous chandelier that was hanging from the ceiling and a red circle banquette lobby sofa in the center. Other than that, the room was barren. Maybe it had been some luxury hotel in a past life, but it was now abandoned.

  There was the sound of wind coming in from outside, creating a nipple-hardening draft that made me cross my arms over my chest. I rubbed my arms with my hands to calm the goose bumps on my skin, and turned around in circles looking for anybody who could help me.

  I was moving toward the entrance door to leave when I heard the sound of a bell to my right. I turned in that direction to see the elevator door had opened. I didn’t know what to make of it, but it was definitely creeping me out a little.

  “This is scaring me!” I shouted, loud enough to let Simon or whoever it was know it was getting to the point where the theatrics were playing on my nerves. My voice bounced off the dust-covered walls and echoed in the dark, empty halls. There was no one to respond, and that concerned me.

  I decided to step into the elevator despite my better judgment, but standing near four steel walls sounded a whole lot better than a large, empty lobby. I was starting to get concerned about my safety. What if Simon had nothing to do with all this? What if it was some random creep just wanting to get me alone? I knew it was a silly thought. Some creep wouldn’t have spent so much money on me, would he? It may not have been Simon, as much as I wanted it to be, but it couldn’t be just some random guy, either.

  I watched anxiously as the doors slid closed. I breathed a sigh of relief, although I wasn’t quite sure where I was going when the elevator carried me up.

  Lesson # 6

  Only break bread with those whom you trust

  “Why haven’t I left? Was the thought that crossed my mind?” -Lynora Minnelli

  The moment I stepped off the elevator, I saw a walkway made out of red rose pedals leading up to a round dinner table made for two covered with a white lace cloth. There were candles and candelabras surrounding the table in a circle, in the middle of the dining room of the top penthouse apartment.

  The light from the flames played with the nighttime shadows and danced along the walls like sugarplum fairies. Various breeds of colorful flowers were strewn all over the floor like a lush garden pass, sweet floral scents permeating the air. I inhaled them all deeply, and I smiled.

  There were three violinists, two men wearing black suits with bowties and a woman in between them wearing a white evening dress with lace elbow-length fingerless gloves. I didn’t recognize the song they were playing, but it began to ease my concerns, simplify my thoughts and relax my entire body.

  A stout little man in a white collared shirt, an apron and black slacks led me by the arm and escorted me to my seat. He pulled out my chair for me as I sat down. I began to wonder where Simon was hiding. The show was great, but without the main host it was all just that—a show. I wanted to wrap my arms around Simon’s neck and finally tell him what I meant to tell him that day in class when I was humiliated.

  I cared about him deeply, and I was anxious to express it. The display of affection was so above and beyond what I thought him capable of, and I didn’t know what I should do to repay him. I was sure he’d tell me it was all his pleasure and no repayment was necessary, but my need for him was strong; my mind had clarity and I was ready to play his games with exuberance. That made it all worth it.

  I heard footsteps behind me. I fought the urge to turn around, as I was in perfect position to be kissed on my neck. I even tilted my head subconsciously to the left, hoping Simon would find the perfect spot to place his lips. I loved to be kissed on my neck. In fact, nothing turned me on more besides direct clitoral stimulation. I felt the warmth of his breath bearing down on my shoulder. My body tensed up with anticipation.

  “Damn, you’re gorgeous!” he whispered in my ear, but the voice was all wrong… terribly wrong.

  I couldn’t believe it, although I heard him clearly. The moment the first word left his mouth, my arousal and excitement fell flat to my feet. They lay there, shriveled up and dying a horrible death. “Dane!” I stood up out of my seat and shot the chair back into his legs. He backed away, limping in pain. He was wearing a black suit, shiny patent leather shoes and a navy-blue shirt unbuttoned at the chest.

  “Oww!” he bellowed.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” I looked around. “Where’s Simon?”

  “I don’t know,” he said, rubbing his shins. “Somewhere in his skin, I guess.” I swung to slap him, but I wasn’t fast enough. He backed away and caught my arm by the wrist. “Whoa.” He raised his hands up to his sides. “I didn’t know doing something nice for you could lead to acts of violence.”

  I swung at him again. I was so upset I could’ve spit in his eye. “You made me think Simon did all this for me. You dressed me up like a doll and tricked me just to get me here.”

  “Do you like it?”

  “Do I like what?”

  “The dress?” He pointed. “The heels… the whole thing? I know you’ll be honest with me. You don’t strike me as the lying type, and I couldn’t wait to see your reaction.”

  I didn’t want to answer him. I didn’t want to give him the satisfaction. It didn’t matter whether I liked the dress or whether I adored the expensive shoes. It didn’t matter that up until that very moment that I was enjoying myself and had hopes for the night. What mattered was that it was provided by Dane, not Simon, who was the person I really cared about and someone he could never be.

  “Cat got your tongue?” His dimples sank in deeply as he grinned.

  I exhaled and sat back in the chair. “What do you want from me, Dane? I can’t be with you and your brother at the same time. You do know that, right?”

  Dane sat in the chair across from me so we were sitting face to face. There was nothing between us but the length of the table, which was short enough for him to try and reach to touch my hand. And he did. “Damn it, Dane.” I dropped my hands in my lap.

  “Look, you’re right, okay? I wanted to see you, and I didn’t know how else to do it. So yes, I tricked you into coming here. But you’re here now, so why not make the best of it? I promise I’ll be good, and besides, the driver’s not due back for a few hours. You can’t take a cab all the way to Palo Alto, can you?”

  “Oh no?”

  “Well, you could, but why would you want to?”

  I felt self-conscious. I didn’t know whether it was the tight fit of my dress, with my breasts hanging out, or the predatory way Dane was looking at me. I squirmed in my seat, wishing somehow I could cover my dress with a jacket, a shawl or a napkin, at least. The violinists reached the crescendo of their song. Once they were done, Dane dismissed them, so they packed up their things and headed toward the back of
the nearly empty penthouse apartment.

  Dane got up and walked over to the large wall-length window with his back turned to me, and looked over the city. He had his hands in his pockets. He looked like a commercial with a guy modeling shirts or pants or whatever the hell he wanted. “I bought this building, you know? I closed the deal on it today. My company was going to renovate it—modernize the interior, give it a little flair. I plan to turn it into multiple high-end lease units. I do a lot better with real estate than hedge funds. That’s my brother and father’s forte. Personally, I find the shit to be boring.”

  “Why are you telling me this? Am I supposed to be impressed? I couldn’t give a damn about your money, your watches and your fancy cars. If you think that’s the type of girl I am then you’re a horrible judge of character. And not only that, but you’re an arrogant son of a bitch.”

  “That last statement is more accurate than you realize, but I’m a proud arrogant son of a bitch, so I take no offense.”

  “I can’t win with you. Do you take anything seriously?”

  “I take you seriously. I know you’re a sweet girl involved with the wrong man. I take that very seriously. Now, don’t get me wrong—Simon is my big brother, and I’m not confused about that. I respect him. He’s taught me a lot and protected me throughout the years. But he’s not good for you. He’s never had a healthy relationship that’s lasted longer than a year. He’s thirty-five now, so you do the math.”

  “And I guess this is the part where you tell me how you’re so different, right? How you could treat me better. How I could be happier with you, blah blah blah? You have to be at least thirty yourself, and what long-term relationships with a woman have you been involved in, without including your mother?”

  “I haven’t been in any, but at least I admit it. I don’t pretend to be something I’m not. Unlike my brother, with me, what you see is what you get. I’m the genuine article.”

  “What exactly is your problem with Simon? Why would you do something as dirty as try and take me from him? Are you jealous?”

  “No, I’m not jealous,” he scoffed. “It really has nothing to do with him whatsoever. It’s about you, and you alone. You could’ve been with anybody at the time that I met you. It just happened to be my brother, that’s all.”

  Dane walked over to me and poured us each a glass of champagne. I wouldn’t normally drink, but I needed to calm my nerves. Why haven’t I left? Was the thought that crossed my mind as I tipped the glass of champagne past my lips and down my throat. I could have easily called a cab and taken it back to the school, where I could find Simon and tell him what his brother was up to. I would feel better getting it off my chest, and Simon would quickly put an end to Dane’s games. Maybe Simon would finally show me how badly he wanted to be with me. His brother’s games might motivate him to reveal feelings that didn’t originate with his pants, but there I was getting tipsy with some cocky player that had no respect for his brother or me.

  “You could get a headache drinking champagne like that.” Dane tipped up his glass. “You’re supposed to sip it slowly and savor it.”

  “Fuck savoring and fuck you.” I downed another glass.

  Dane bent down and whispered in my ear, “I’m sure you don’t want to admit it to me or yourself, but I know you’re attracted to me.”

  “What?” His words took over my thoughts and caused a warm, wet feeling in my middle. It made me even angrier with him.

  “You’re attracted to me. That’s why you’re still here. Why haven’t you bolted for the door? The moment you found out I wasn’t Simon, you should’ve followed through with your threats and been gone.”

  My mouth went dry.

  “I’m right, aren’t I?”

  “No!” He is right. “No, you’re not.” I shook my head a little too fast, and the room started spinning and wouldn’t be still.

  “Well, then you tell me why you’re here.” Dane kissed my neck slowly. “If you hate me so much and you feel like I’m the devil, why haven’t you left yet?” Another kiss followed that. “Why haven’t you walked your cute little ass back in that elevator and pressed the big white button?”

  I got up from my chair. Dane followed me closely and closed the widened space in between us. I hit the table, leaning backwards with nowhere else to go. Dane reached down and hiked my dress to the top of my thighs, pressing his hardened, muscular body next to mine. His hands ran down my back and curved over the slope of my ass. He cupped it, lifted me up and sat me on the table.

  I felt helpless, on the verge of being drunk and lacking my motor skills.

  “I’ll show you why you haven’t left.” Dane reached under my dress and slid my panties down past my ankles. He spread my legs apart with the edge of his hip and wedged himself between my inner thighs.

  I felt his thick, rounded bulge rub against the nerves of my clit. It slid up until his shaft fit in between my yearning lips. I was wet for him. I pushed on his chest, but my push was too weak and he didn’t budge one inch or stop even for a second. The pleasure he was causing weakened my strength and my resolve even further.

  What was a girl to do?

  Dane peeled my hand off the center of his chest and placed his fingers in my mouth, and I rotated around them all with my tongue. I sucked on them one by one and licked them until they were dripping wet, like I was. Without warning he pulled them out, and he shoved them both between my folds.

  “Ahhh!” I screamed as my head dropped back. He ran his other hand up the back of my neck, weaved his fingers through my hair and pulled. At the same time, he pushed his fingers in deeper. He thrust them in and out until my body started to shake. My pelvis moved forward in a rhythm. Harder and faster we both moved in synch; my body started tensing and begging for release.

  It was crazy, the way these men could get me off so easily and knew just how to drive me crazy. Did they have some special training that taught them how to entrap women and then give them the orgasm of their life?

  “Dane…” I spoke his name in a soft, whispered plea before I lost all composure and gave in to what he was doing. “Dane.” He brushed his lips against mine and kissed down my body until his head was between my legs. His tongue knocked at the entrance to my pussy. “Dane, no.” I tried to pull back, but he grabbed me by my ass and pulled me in closer as my orgasm released. I shivered and growled screaming, “NO!” I shoved Dane hard. He backed up a step. I used every second that he gave me to catch my breath. I hopped off the table and pulled my dress down. I picked up my panties from the floor. “I can’t do this.” I stumbled and brought my hand to my forehead.

  Dane combed his fingers through his hair. “I’m sorry. You’re right. You’ve been drinking, and I shouldn’t take advantage of you while you’re like this. We’re both under the influence, and my judgment isn’t the best. There’s, um.” He lost his concentration. “Ah, there’s a room in the back—”

  “No.” I shook my head. “I can’t stay here.”

  He sighed. “As I was saying. There’s a room in the back. It’s a spare room with a lock on the door. You’re more than welcome to stay. It’s late. The limo’s gone, and neither one of us is in a state where we can drive.”

  “That’s okay, I can stay at a motel until morning.” I turned to walk toward the elevator.

  “Lynn!” Dane stepped in my path. “Look, I’m sorry, all right? The hotels here cost a shitload of money, which I’m certain you do not have, so please, it’s okay. The room is the second door on the left past the kitchen.”

  I wanted to follow Dane’s directions, but I had never been so nervous. I was panting. My body was fevered, and I was so horny my pussy was pulsing rapidly. It was the scariest feeling that I’d had so far, with all the emotions that ran through my body at once. I was proud, however, that things with Dane didn’t go any further, and I was proud of myself for staying true to my instincts. “Fine, I’ll stay,” I said. “But I’m going to keep the door locked.”

  He nodded.
  “Now, where’s the bathroom again? I think I’m going to be sick.”

  Lesson # 7

  It’s better to ask permission than beg for forgiveness

  “He’d be mad at me for a minute, but he’d hate you for life.” -Dane Foster

  I opened my eyes to the blinding white light of sunrays casting through the uncovered window. I remembered my knees on a cold tiled floor and my elbows propped on the toilet. My heart was beating in my head—thump thump… thump thump—and the feeling was undeniably awful. I had taken a few sips of wine before and even a swallow of hard liquor, but those glasses of champagne had proven too much for me to handle.

  I didn’t remember slipping into the king-sized bed with a blue plush duvet and the cool white sheets. I didn’t remember anyone bringing me the towel for my head, which was now on my pillow, discarded and damp. I didn’t remember when and how I removed my clothes last night or where they went and what I did without them.

  I peeled back the duvet to see the sheer lack of clothing on my body underneath. My dress was in a pile with my shoes on the floor, and my panties were discarded on the pillow by the towel. Something rustled in the sheets right behind me. I felt someone dip the bed as they shifted around. I turned over to end up face to face with Dane.

  “Good morning, sunshine.” Dane yawned and stretched out his heavily muscled arms. The duvet slid down from his chest as he sat up in bed, and for a moment I wondered what was lying underneath.

  “I thought you were supposed to give me the room to myself, Dane.” I did my best to contain my anger, because I was sure he got pleasure from seeing it.

  “Well, yeah, about that. It turns out you didn’t want to be alone. Every time I tried to leave, you kept calling my name, pulling on my arm and sitting me next to you.”